Xpo Corporate Offers Form Your Name* Your Corporate Email Address* Make sure this email address includes your company's primary domain Company Name* -- Select -- AKT BFT Club Pilates CycleBar Pure Barre Row House Rumble Boxing StretchLab STRIDE YogaSix Basic Offer* If there are muliple offers, please number them (1. Free Class, 2. 10% Off for 2 Months, 3. BOGO) Additional Offer Details: If there are muliple offers, please put the details for each numbered offer above. If the Start and End dates are different for each offer, put that information here. Start Date* End Date* Is This Offer For Google?* Yes No Is This Offer For Meta?* Yes No Has an offer been created in Xpo Admin for this?* Yes No What is the Offer Slug for the LP?* If there isn't a special LP for this offer, put "none". If the LP is coming later, please let us know when to expect it. Link to Creative Assets for Offer:* If there are no assets, put "none". If the assets are coming later, please let us know when to expect them. Link to Location of Opt In/Out List:* If there is no list, put "none". If the list is coming later, please let us know when to expect it. *If you have a PDF or SOP doc for this offer that you have shared with the Franchisees, please email it to meilani@franchisefocusedmarketing.com so we are aligned with what the partners have received. Thank you! Submit