The REACH To Go App Is Now Available!
New seasons bring new opportunities and we are excited to announce that our REACH To Go App is now available for download on the App Store and Google Play. You can now access up-to-date information about your campaign from your smartphone. So if you’re AFK (away from keyboard) or on the go, just open up the app to take a peek at the latest numbers.

The REACH To Go App allows you to see accurate metrics in real-time, in the palm of your hand.
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Stay In Touch With Your DMS!
Logging into REACH is the best way to keep an eye on the performance of your campaign and your bi-weekly scheduled calls are the best time to talk to our team about the leads we’re generating. While lead quantity is important, we all know that lead quality is what matters most.

What We’re Doing
Our team spent some time at the Orange County Rescue Mission sorting and packing some hygiene kits for people in our community experiencing homelessness. For more information on how you can help make a difference, visit rescuemission.org.

9Round Convention
9Round invited our team to their annual World Convention. Jessika and Natasha flew out to Greenville, South Carolina to connect with franchisees and learn about the latest in kickboxing.

Axe Throwing
There’s nothing like a little axe throwing to wrap up a hard day at the office. To celebrate our President’s birthday, we had Dragging Axe set up an afternoon of target practice and giant jenga!